A felled Beech in Centre Vale Park

There are no free lunches, lol.

I collect lumber from the forest floor and use said lumber in our hand crafted strikingly gorgeous epoxy resin and forest timber tables. However, I don’t pay for the lumber that I mill on site.

But before you drop everything and change your career to green wood carpenter, lol, it’s not that simple.

We are a Community Interest Company and what could demonstrate that more than giving 25% of the revenue we generate from the sale of our tables back to the company that manage the forest from where the lumber was salvaged.

These donations have a single condition, the donation must be used towards activities directly associated with forest conservation.

When you buy a table from Nature In Your Home you contribute directly to community projects that perform forest conservation.

We also run free to attend workshops, to stay informed about when these will start please be sure to pop your details into our contact form on our website.

Thank you for reading this blog, having a look at out website and for your support.


Give back more than you take


Salvaged forest timber makes gorgeous epoxy resin and wood tables