Proudly Serving: Hebden Bridge, Todmorden, Littleborough, Rochdale, and Norden.
Audiobook Review: “Dune” by Frank Herbert
In the vast expanse of literary and auditory masterpieces, few have the power to transport us across the universe, compelling us to explore the depths of human nature against a backdrop of interstellar intrigue and timeless wisdom. “Dune” by Frank Herbert, as an Audible audiobook, is one such odyssey that transcends the boundaries of science fiction to become a lodestar for enthusiasts of profound storytelling.
“The Da Vinci Code” by Dan Brown, narrated by Jeff Harding
What could be more exciting than a novel that tests your own beliefs and looks to provide historical evidence to support those challenges. For me The Da Vinci Code did just that. I studied the History of Art in College, knowing all the works of Leonardo Da Vinci and sculptures of Bernini mentioned in this novel just added a level of intrigue.
You know how people say, the book is better than the movie, we in this case I would have to agree. The book offers so much more by way of detail and evidence making the experience so much more rewarding.
“Becoming” by Michelle Obama, narrated by the author herself
In the tapestry of life, few threads are as vivid and transformative as the stories we tell ourselves and others about who we are and who we aspire to become. Michelle Obama’s “Becoming” is more than just an autobiography; it’s a beacon of hope, a testament to the unyielding strength of a woman who has continually surpassed the expectations of those around her and, importantly, her own.